place Case Studies

Venice, Italy


In the Venice Living Lab the application of resource recovery and circular economy in the field of water, especially wastewater, are strategic to achieve climate change resilience. Currently, the pursuit of these goals is slowed and prevented due to several issues (technical but mainly regulatory) related to wastewater process management, not much to effluents from wastewater treatment plants, rather when referring to nutrients and sludge. The limits and slowdown of the virtuous paths towards resource recovery and circular economy are also sensibly linked to a lack of shared and transparent knowledge on the quality and opportunities connected to the reuse itself, and to an over evaluation of risks which together lead to a low social acceptance. There are several goals in Venice LL: i) the contribution to complete the reuse goals envisaged (but not still reached) by another important funded regional project (the Integrated Fusina Project PIF) which, alongside other important reclamation goals for the industrial area, provides for the reuse of the effluent of the municipal treatment plant (WWTP) Fusina for "non-potable" purposes; ii) the possibility of resource recovery from wastewater processes for high quality fertilizer production and carbon footprint reduction; iii) tackling the tough issue of the management of sludge produced by municipal WWTPs, still profoundly conditioned by a limited vision and knowledge which condition the choice and can hinder the pursuit of the most sustainable management pathway (such as its physiological destination to the environment and to the soil).

The main technical solutions prosed are: i) a combinatory pilot plant (UF unit + RO unit + EDI unit), tested on Fusina WWTP effluent for industrial water reuse; ii) two pilot stripping technologies, tested on concentrated WWTP stream(s) for ammonium sulphate production; iii) two IT platforms, the Water Reuse Strategic Platform and the Sludge Management Platform, to assess the best reuse opportunities and valorization pathways firstly at local/Regional scale and then transferable at National/EU scale for water and sludge respectively.

Applied technologies

Key lessons


Data Complexity:

  • Heavy pre-processing required
  • Complex visualizations and indicators

Stakeholder Involvement:

  • Continuous engagement from regional stakeholders
  • Addressing data collection, preparation, and integration challenges


Key Issues:

  • Dispersed data across various subjects
  • Semantic inconsistencies
  • Varied data structures and update frequencies
  • Missing data requiring assumptions and estimations


  • Extensive communication and mediation skills
  • Objective attention and adequate time in preliminary and development phases


Role of Facilitator:

  • Facilitating community and stakeholders for common objectives
  • Data collection and defining required indicators and visualizations
  • Ongoing support to keep tools updated and community active

Required Capabilities:

  • Integrating new data
  • Facilitating stakeholder collaboration
  • Maintaining and updating tools


Governance Model:

  • High replicability expected

Data Integration:

  • Adaptations needed for different territories and data management procedures

Standardization Efforts:

  • New FIWARE Smart Data Model for sludge quality
  • Extension of existing FIWARE Smart Data Model for water quality

Legislation and policy recommendations

Several legislations are applicable at EU, Italian and Regional level. The full list is available through the specific functionality of the tool.

Applied products

Image of Sludge management platform

Sludge management platform

The aim of the sludge management platform is to support the identification of the optimum sewage sludge (from municipal…

Image of Water reuse strategic platform

Water reuse strategic platform

The overall aim of the water reuse strategic platform is to enable freshwater saving and wastewater reuse (WWR). It wil…

Image of Digital Enabler

Digital Enabler

Digital Enabler™ is data driven, native cloud, ecosystem platform. Designed and engineered by Engineering’s R&D Labs ov…

Last update on 2024-05-30 19:49 UTC