DSS for the evaluation of new investments and actions related to water reuse and circular economy solutions within the urban water cycle. Scope of application: regional level.
Target audience
Decision-makers on urban water investments.
Competent administration.
Owners of the product
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- Technology providers, industries to provide with data to feed the economic and technical models.
- Water utilities, planners, and decision makers as end-users.
Unique selling points
Main added value of the RE-ACTOR is its agility to quickly assess different scenarios and its user friendly interface. The end-user will be able to easily analyze complex potential investments and scenarios to prioritize those showing highest cost-benefit potential.
Technical requirements
Internet and minimum requirements to access the web app.
Software data
v1.0 (alpha) | |
2023 | |
Technologies applied by the product

Energy recovery technologies
In order to mitigate the human made climate change, we urgently need a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy…