place Case Studies

Lleida, Spain


In Lleida, the water smart industrial symbiosis exists since 2009 and interlinks the Mahou San Miguel (MSM) brewery with a multinational utility Aqualia as well as the local municipal utility of Lleida and the Catalan Water Agency.
The brewery has its own wastewater treatment plant. However, up to now, there is no water reclaimed and no energy recovered. Mahou San Miguel desires to reduce its water consumption by 10% by 2025, which shall be facilitated by the Ultimate solution for water reclamation, in which Pentair XFlow participes actively with nanofiltration technology. In addition, energy shall be recovered in the form of biogas and be converted as efficiently as possible to electricity and heat. According to preliminary estimations, the surplus electricity produced by the proposed Ultimate solution might supply a significant fraction of the thermal energy and electricity needs amounting to 3% and 30%, respectively. The carbon footprint shall be also reduced due to Mahou San Miguel´s commitment to green energy and self-sufficiency.

Applied technologies

Technology performance and best practices

In the Spanish case study, a new high-rate anaerobic reactor, called electrostimulated anaerobic reactor (ELSAR), was implemented as a full-scale pre-treatment of brewery wastewater. This was the first application of ELSAR on this scale in the world. In addition to the conventional anaerobic digestion processes, an integrated bioelectric system enables electroactive microorganisms to oxidise organic matter and release electrons to the anode, hydrogen ions and CO2. The different biochemical pathways allow for high flexibility and a stable biogas production process. During commissioning, the ELSAR was successfully operated at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 12.5 kg COD/(m³*d) and has the potential to treat 25 kg COD/(m³*d). The COD removal rate was between 90 and 96% and the average methane yield was 0.34 m³ CH4/(kg COD). The ELSAR is able to treat fluctuating OLRs, allows for short stabilisation times after shock loads and has a higher calorific value of the biogas due to a higher H2 content. At the case study level, the ELSAR successfully reduced the energy demand of the industrial wastewater treatment plant by 10%. This was achieved by treating only 33% of the brewery’s wastewater, which is equivalent to 500 m³/d.

The ELSAR system was combined with an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) to improve effluent quality. However, the improved effluent quality did not seem to compensate for the increase in operating costs (gas for sparging, chemicals for cleaning the membranes, etc.) and capital costs for membranes, tank for membranes and pipelines including recirculation, etc. The investigations showed that for an optimal performance of the ELSAR and an AnMBR, equalised, good conditioned, warm sulphate-light and biodegradable wastewaters such as brewery wastewater were essential. The higher the content of biodegradable COD in the substrate was, the greater the benefits over traditional aerated alternatives were, in terms of OPEX and biogas profits. Furthermore, the higher the price of electricity, gas (or heat) or sludge treatment, the more attractive the anaerobic processes became.

In addition, a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) was successfully tested in Lleida at pilot scale using biogas to produce electricity and heat as by-product. Compared to a combined heat and power system, which is the state of the art for producing electricity and heat from biogas, the SOFC had a higher electrical efficiency of 50%. As the Spanish case study had a higher demand for electricity than for heat, the higher electrical efficiency was a big advantage in this case. As a result, 30% more energy could be recovered and reused to replace fossil fuels in Lleida.

Outcome of assessments

Life cycle assessment

ELSAR:  Using an ELSAR system for anaerobic treatment of brewery wastewater results in an energy-positive process, producing more energy in the form of biogas than is needed for water treatment. This surplus energy is even sufficient to feed a downstream ultrafiltration process for producing reclaimed water for irrigation. Overall, ELSAR has a lower energy demand than an anaerobic membrane bioreactor, while producing comparable amounts of biogas. However, the complete recovery of dissolved methane from the effluent is still a challenge also for ELSAR to prevent the downstream emission of this powerful greenhouse gas to the atmosphere.

SOFC: A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) produces a higher share of electricity from biogas compared to a combined heat and power plant, while producing less heat. Consequently, the environmental benefits of an SOFC in reducing greenhouse gas emissions are highest if the substituted grid electricity mix has a high fossil share. At places with a high share of renewables in electricity production, the use of biogas for direct heating (e.g. in a boiler) will be more effective for reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions.

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

The TCO assessment for the ELSAR® system, which integrates anaerobic digestion with bioelectrical processes, demonstrates significant long-term cost savings compared to a conventional activated sludge (CAS) system. In spite of the initial investment required for ELSAR® system, a ELSAR® that could treat the 33.3% of the incoming wastewater could reduce operational costs by decreasing energy consumption and sludge management expenses, resulting in a significant reduction of TCO by 32.8% compared to the baseline scenario using only the CAS system. The ELSAR® system’s ability to generate enriched biogas for energy further contributes to potential savings. A sensitivity analysis indicates that while variations in electricity prices have a modest impact annually, they could influence long-term financial sustainability, highlighting the importance of considering energy costs in investment decisions. On the other side, natural gas prices might have significant impact on TCO.

Legislation and policy recommendations

Clarifying responsibilities and developing consistent guidelines for water reuse licensing and service provision across the EU are essential to ensure effective practices. The strategic agenda proposes comprehensive coverage of all water reuse types, emphasizing safety, environmental impact assessment, and the integration of reclaimed water into local water balances based on regional circumstances. Future regulations should establish minimum standards for non-agricultural uses, enhance risk assessment, and promote research on innovative water reuse technologies and practices. (see also D1.10)

To replicate biogas production and valorisation technologies in Europe, stable prices for upgraded biogas and electricity are needed at least for a period of five years to amortise the plant. Another five years would be beneficial, after an adaption on the energy market, to provide incentives to the investors. To bridge a potential gap between the guaranteed price and the actual market price, subsidies might be needed. A minimum quota for upgraded bio-methane in the gas grid can further support the willingness of investors to implement biogas production technologies and upgrading units. A simplification of administrative formalities and financial support related to the gas grid connection can highly accelerate the implementation of biomethane producing technologies. (see also D1.10)

Applied product

Publications and references

Last update on 2024-10-11 15:51 UTC