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9 entities related with "Ultrafiltration"

Image of BT-Maric constant flow valves

BT-Maric constant flow valves

BT-Maric Constant Flow Valves save water and make products and processes more efficient – by always providing the chose…

Lleida, Spain

Lleida, Spain

In Lleida, the water smart industrial symbiosis exists since 2009 and interlinks the Mahou San Miguel (MSM) brewery …

  • Project report
  • NextGen
  • 2022

Plana Puig, Q., Nanu, C., Groza, I., Soares, A., Vale, P., Monokrousou, K., Makropoulos, C., Katsouras, G., Tsalas, N., Tazes, N., Tsimnadis, K., Lindeboom, R., Plata, C., Suters, R., Kenyeres, I., Plà, M., Filipsson, S., Hedman, F., Kim, J., Hofman, J.,

D1.3 New approaches and best practices for closing the water cycle