The Urban Water Cycle Observatory is a data visualization instrument for monitor and communicate performance, support urban planning and decision making.
It flows the motto "to know so to reduce".
Creative data to build awareness, engage and empower citizens at local level and beyond.
The Urban Water Cycle Observatory is divided in two complementary tools:
- a public access tool, with open data information of the water and wastewater city dimensions (top-down approach);
- a private access tool, for individual entities integrate and analyse, via a set of data analytics, the water consumption data of their facilities (bottom-up approach).
Training material of the Urban Water Cycle Observatory is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPbHhzhT44E
Target audience
Owner of the product
Sign in to access this information.Actors, their roles and interactions
- Public access: Citizens (Better-informed society, Citizens engaged and empowered for water efficiency - users), Municipality (Sustainability policies - users), Water and Wastewater utilities (data providers), Any other entities (users).
- Private access: Lisbon Municipality (living lab owner, tool user), Water and Wastewater utilities (data providers) and entities with high water use (tool users).
Unique selling points
The Public access of the Lisbon Water Observatory addresses the need for a transparent, simplified visualisation of water use and for a deeper understanding of possible levers to contribute to smart water use, to a secure water supply, increase resilience and save resources.
The Private access responds to the need of users to have a platform with water consumption, data analysis in an integrated manner providing a holistic, transparent, and simplified view of water consumption/use, to support decision making and foster sustainable water use, as well allowing analysis per facility or aggregation of consumption by type of water use and associated costs.
Both the accesses foster the digitalization and use of big data, to promote efficiency and protection of the water resource.
Technical requirements
- Public access: Only an updated browser is needed to use the tool.
- Private access: Only an updated browser is needed to use the tool
Software data
(Last update: 2022-10-27) |
2021 |
Publications related with the tool, product or service
- https://lisboaenova.org/relancamento-dos-observatorios-lisboa/
- https://lisboaenova.org/lancamento-da-nova-versao-da-plataforma-observatorios-lisboa/
- https://www.lisboa.pt/capital-verde-2020/noticias/detalhe/relancamento-dos-observatorios-de-lisboa
- https://www.lisboa.pt/cidade/ambiente/qualidade-ambiental/agua
- https://www.adene.pt/camara-municipal-de-lisboa-distingue-adene-pela-cooperacao-no-portal-observatorios-lisboa/
- Revista (Magazine) Smart Cities Portugal, n. 36, Article “DAR DE BEBER ÀS CIDADES”, written by Rui Mendes, in which the Lisbon Observatories and the B-WaterSmart Project was mentioned - https://smart-cities.pt/noticias/agua-cidades-3009-lisboa-enova/
Technology applied by the product