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29 entities related with "Alternative water sources"

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal

Like many European regions and cities, Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, faces water challenges related to (i) i…

Westland, Netherlands

Westland, Netherlands

The Westland region in the Netherlands are dense urban and industrial areas and greenhous…

  • Project report
  • NextGen
  • 2022

Plana Puig, Q., Nanu, C., Groza, I., Soares, A., Vale, P., Monokrousou, K., Makropoulos, C., Katsouras, G., Tsalas, N., Tazes, N., Tsimnadis, K., Lindeboom, R., Plata, C., Suters, R., Kenyeres, I., Plà, M., Filipsson, S., Hedman, F., Kim, J., Hofman, J.,

D1.3 New approaches and best practices for closing the water cycle